Warm up for WSOP


May 6-9 trip with a couple of high school buddies...we gradutated in 1984.

This trip had been planned for a few months. At the time it was set up, I didn't know that I would be returning in a month (on June 5th) to play in the $5000 WSOP event. I won the buy in by finishing 1st in a 16 player league. We played one tournie a month for past 15 months with 1/2 the money going into the prize pool. I am very pumped to have a shot at the big boys. I know it a long shot, but you never know. Had a great couple of runs at Venetian tournies and got to meet DCarp (hope your leg is better soon).

Anyway, I had been email buddies with recaps as they happenned. Here is my 67 hrs:

Wed: 7:20 pm -

On plane..Northwest (now Delta) direct from Detroit. Comp Upgrade to first class (I fly a lot so get free upgrades when they are available). Just cracked first beer. So far so good.
If you don't want to be on this email chain, email me back and I will
delete you. If I don't send a lot of updates, I am losing my ass! Closing door...gotta go.

Wed: 9:00 pm Vegas time -

Just landed. Tried not to drink much. 2 beers, 2 glasses of wine, 2 jack n
cokes. Very tired...about 3 hrs of sleep the night before and up since 6 am. Deciding whether to play when I get to hotel or go to bed. I know
the smart choice, but unfortunately I am not too smart

930 vegas time. At Ballys in line to check in

940. In room. Nice. Upgrade to north tower (remodeled rooms) for free (didnt use the $20 trick, just asked nicely and she hooked me up). Logged in to send work emails I typed on plane

10:20. Just walked to Treas Island and got into their $65 buy in trny. 20 min late. Only 3000 (or was it 3500) starting chips. First hand J-7...Fold. 2nd hand, I get 8-8 and raise to $250. Get one caller. I miss the flop as it comes out 3-j-10. I continuation bet $500 hoping the caller folds...she calls. I check/fold the turn. 3rd hand, Had A-Q. Called a raise to 300 (in hindsight should have just pushed then). 4 others called. Flop. A-7-2. I check. Someone bets 800. One caller. I push all in for about 1400 more. All fold except for last guy who calls w pocket 2's for a set and I am done. 1027 out of tourney. Not a good start-down $65 in about 3 minutes

1100. At Flamingo. Playing 2-4 limit. Just missed waitresses round...damn. They have a drawing at 11 where one player at one table wins 200. Our table gets picked...then its "high card" for the money. All agree to chop it for 20 ea except for one old foreign lady who has no clue what we are talking about. Of course she gets high card and keeps all 200.

1200. Fading fast. Down 20 at Flam but up 3 miller lites (mL's). Hitting nothing. In 2-4 u usually need good cards to win and they are not coming. After this beer its bedtime

1230. Got sick of getting no cards so won a decent pot by bluffing the whole way with J-8 and nothing hitting. One old dude calls the whole way but folds on my river bet.

3 hands later I get 8-8. Flop come 8-K-A. I know someone has an A or K (its 2-4 so about 6 playes saw the flop) so I bet and get called. Turn is another K, full house now and I am counting my chips. Bet again and get called by 2 players. River another A...great...I bet $4, one folds. Last guy raises to $8, I fold my 8's face up and he shows the A rag. Hopefully cards will change tomorrow. Down 45 at Flam. 110 for trip 100. In bed. Nite nite


11 am. Just bt into $1-2 Nl at V

Noon: up $70 in cash game. $150 Tournie starting now

330. Still in tournie. Started with about 100 players, down to about 45. Just took a hit but I am still in decent shape. First place about $4K

Made final table. 103 players Just got KO'd in 8th place for $509 payout ($359 profit). Up $429 for the day so far

8:00 Met up w Woj and Den (buddies who just arrived). Back at TI for the 10:00 $65 buy in. Hoping to last more than 3 hands tonight. Wait just did...its all gravy now

Midnight. TI tourney had 24 players. Den out in 17th. Me and Woj still in. Down to 6 players left. Top 3 pay. I was cruising along near the chip lead until my Q-Q all in ran into A-A.

1235. Woj is out down to 5

100. I am out in 4th. Bubble boy. No money for 3 hrs work

130. At Mirage. Den playing BJ, Woj 3-6, me $1-2 NL

300. Just lost big pot when my A_Q raise hit the flop w Q-7-9 w 2 hearts. Another heart on Turn. I bet again he calls again. Figure he is chasing A 4th heart on river seals my fate and I lose about $120 in that pot. Left Mirage down $148.

3:15 Now at IP burger palace w woj. So hungry

4:00. In bed.

- $65
- 148

Up $216 for day


Not a lot of sleep last night. Maybe 3 hours. Up and at em at Planet Hollywood 10 am $60 buy in. Me, Den, n Woj.

100. Me and Den at final table. 50 players started

1:30 I was f'ing bubble boy again. 7th place. Went all in w AK of spades. Got called by QJ and he hit a J. At least time we cut a deal so that bubble boy got my $60 buy in back. Even for the day

Den chopped it 5 ways for a $400 payout. Only way he could have won more at the time was to finish first. When he was chip leader he had called a guys all in w J-10 of spades. Other guy had A-6. Den hit a J on the flop to take the lead, but runner runner and other guy hit a straight with his 6 filling the straight. Bad luck for den...if that hand had one he would have had about 60% of chips with 4 players left and had a good chance of winning it. Either case good hit for den since he was down about $1k for the trip playing blackjack

200. Den and Woj left to find a branch of Dens bank since he owes woj $650. Then they will play some bj at ceasars palace. I am staying at PH to play in the $80 2:00 tourney. Even for day so far

6:00. Finished 5th out of 51 for $271 payout at the PH tournie. Had a great run of cards early knocking out a guy on the first hand when he overvalued his A-Q when a Q hit. I had called 3 other callers to his small early position raise with A-6...not normally a hand I would play but for such a small raise figured I'd play it and try to get lucky. I did when A-6-x hit on the flop. He bet out, folded around to me and I went all in...he called and was out. He bought back in and i knocked him out again soon after that..don't remember the details. Made final table. Down to 6 players We get rid of super small stack then it was basically down to one guy with a huge stack and the rest of us short stacked. I picked up 7-7 and pushed all in...all folded to the Big Blind who called with 8-8 and that was that. Back at Ballys for a little 3-6. Then V tournie at 7 pm is the plan. Up $191 for the day

7:00. Venetian $120. Me and
Woj playing. Btw, lost $30 playing 3-6 cash game at Ballys

10:00. Still alive in Venetian tourney. Started with abouit 80 players. Woj out early on horrendous bad beat. He lost with Kings over Aces boat to Aces over Kings boat. Woj had pocket Kings. The 2nd A hit on the river after all the chips were in.

About 25 players left and I need to double up soon to have a shot at another final table. This would be my 3rd Venetian final table in 3 tries (finished 7th out of 161 during last years trip).
Got a near triple up when my K-J shove was called by short stack 55 and big stack K 10. King hit on the flop and neither got any help on the turn and river.

Gave some back trying to steal blinds a few hands later from short stack to my immediate left. Now I am short stacked again. Then we go to 2 tables. We get down to 17 players (top 9 pays) Blinds 1-2 K w $200 antes and I have 16k left. Need to double up again then, the bad beat story as I get pocket rockets finally. I don't mess around and I push all in under the gun. One of the bigger stacks goes over the top all in...good news for me since he must have big pair or A-K and he gives me some protection from other big stacks calling too. He turns up QQ and, of course, he spikes a Q and I am out. I just shake my head and give him the fist high five and say good hand and good luck (I was surprise by my good attitude after that beat). All in all happy w my play. This trip I learned to punished limpers by shoving. Once in the V tournie when we were down to 4 tables. 5 had limpled in when I was in small blind. I looked down at 4-2 os, trusted my reads, held my breath and shoved. It worked as they all folded. This type of play has not been part of my game...I know its risky but I am learning that you have to be able to make this kind of play if you are not getting premium cards. Worked this time.

1045 met up w woj and den in V's casino

Watched woj and den drop some $ playing bj (I was very disciplined and did not play one hand of any table games or slots the entire trip), then hirt Flamingo poker room about 12:45. No open seats at no limit so played 2-4 until one openned. Had pretty sick short run like, for the hell of it, raising preflop w 5-7 os and the flop comes 557. A boat and I am getting action. 7 hits on river and I swoop a nice pot. Very next hand I call w J-9 and flop come 99J. I don't think I have ever flopped 2 full boats in a row. Wish I was playing NL instead of 2-4. Cash out up $40 and go to no limit. First hand get 99 and raise to $15 and get 4 callers. Flop is all hearts but all lower than my 9's. I bet $35 and they all fold. No real action by me for next 20 min but lots of crazy action at the table. Preflop raise to $15 got 4 callers. Flop comes J-K-3 all hearts. First to act bets out like $35, 2nd player goes all in for over $200, 3rd player calls the bet for about $200, last guy also calls for about $200. Nearly $800 in the pot. I thought for sure it was flush over flush then was shocked to see the original all in turn over a 7 high flush (actually not surprised by his push with those cards but surprized by what I see next). First $200 caller has K-8 with the King of Hearts (one pair and 2nd nut flush draw), 3rd player shows pocket J's with the J of Hearts!

A few hand later I get A-J of spades. I raise to $15 one guy calls and this frustrated dude who had been losing goes all in for $55 more. I call, other guy fold. Raiser has K-4 of hearts. His buddy looks at him like WTF and he says its the best 2 cards he has seen in hours. My A-J holds up and I swoop a $125 or so pot. Leave Flamingo a few hands later up about $160

In bed at 1:45.

PH #1 bubble boy. - break even
Ph #2 5th. - up $191
Ballys $3-6. -30
Ven tny 15th - -$120
Flam cash - up $160

Up $201 for day


Last day. Up around 8:30. Played 1-2 nl from 9:30 til 11. Lost $140. Big hand was when I raised $15 with A-J of spades. Got one caller. Flop was a J and 2 low cards and 2 hearts. I fired $35. He called. Put him on flush draw. Turn is a non heart Q. I bet $35 again and he raises himself all in for about $15 more. Figured I was behind but had to call the extra $15. Sure enough he had J-Q and lost about $100 on that hand.
Was down $140 when I cashed out to play in the 11:00 $65 buy in tournie at Ballys.

Tournie: Lost an early pot when I had 6-7 in the SB, and reased 5 limpers. Got one caller. Flop came 5-8-J. I bet at it hoping to win it right there or spike the 4 or 9 for the straight. Turn was a blank. I fired again and this woman callsme again. River was a blank and I gave up...she checked, I checked and she tables A-A. I had no clue she had this since she didn't raise at all even though she was in early position that allow about 6 players to see the flop for the price of a big blind of $50. Blondie crushed me again later when I was in the small blind and 5 players limped in for 100. - I pushed all in for 1600 (with a 9-4 os...admittedly playing very aggressive) hoping they all folded. She thought about it but called w pocket 10's. Another dangerous move not to raise anything w pocket 10s in early position but it worked out for her that time. I should have talked to her when she was thinking about it...I thought about it later and should have said something like "I'd be happy to take it down right here and just get the blinds...if you can beat JJ then you have to call" Maybe I could have gotten her to lay it down ala Jamie Gold. Live and learn

Den left about 1:00 and woj and I hit the Ballys poker room again. I played $3-6 and lost about $80. Then switched to no limit where I won $60 it back. Could have been better as I was up almost $300 then lost back about $200 in the last 1/2 hour.

So for the day

-$140 no limit $
-$65 tournie
-20 cash game

Not a good ending dropping $225 the last day

Wed: -110
Thurs: +216
Fri: +201
Sat: -225

So overall up about $100 for the trip in poker. Not as good as I had hoped for but a win is a win. I think I should just stick to tournies and avoid the cash games as I seem to do better in tournaments

On the plane now ready to head back home

Thanks for reading the trip report. I will hopefully be posting another good one after my WSOP event!

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  1. Good luck in the WSOP event! It is gunna be fun i bet.

  2. Enjoyed your trip report, thank you. Good luck in the WSOP!!!

  3. By chance or good luck, I'll be in Vegas on July 1-6 with my son. We plan on watching some of the Main Event and hope we can get to at least see some of the pros we see on TV. Anyway best of luck and knock 'em dead. Looking forward to hearing about your experience.

  4. @Bargeguy

    Thanks, guys, for the well wishes on the WSOP. Can't beleive I am going to battle against the pros...I already have a comeback preparred for Helmuth if he rips my play :smile: Since there will probably be about 75 tables, I am sure I will have at least one pro at my table. I have told myself if I happen to cash for 50K or more in the $5K, then I will play in the ME too. I know its a longshot, but you never know. I will write a trip report with details no matter what happens.

  5. LMOA- hope you get to rip the rude guy.

  6. ooops I meant to say guy.

  7. Hey ChiJim just wanted to say that i really enjoyed the report and it sounded like you had a good time. Just remember when your playing in the 5k event that even if you don't recognize anyone, there are likely some very good online pros that shouldn't be taken lightly.

    Anyways good luck in the event and I look forward to ur next trip report

  8. great TR. I agree it's very important to punish limpers in these smaller stakes tourneys. You just have to close your eyes and shove. As we know, more often than not they fold (unless they were foolishly limping with a monster). Tourneys favor the aggression and cash favors patience. I'm writing this to convince myself as I'm trying to get better at my tourney play. I'm hesitant to risk my chips. I have promised myself to punish limpers when I arrive in Vegas in just 3 days.

    I wish you well in the June 4 tourney. Look forward to reading the TR.

  9. Thanks Guys. It will be much tougher to hold my breath and shove in the WSOP than it is in the relatively small buy in tournies. I hope I can get some good cards...hopefully all my bad beats will even out and go my way in the big one!