Weekend trip to Vegas

Reports & Blogs by TheSalesman about Bellagio Casino, Aria Casino Posted

Hey guys, my first trip report. I hope it's not too bad.

I get off work at 4:15am Saturday morning and head to the airport for my 10am flight. I was supposed to arrive in Vegas around 12:30PM and planned to sleep until the evening and head to play cash games. Instead I arrived in Vegas at about 3:30PM and got to my room at about 4:15. As I lost a lot of time already I decided to go grab a sandwich from earl of sandwich, i head straight over to Aria and jump into a 2/5 game.
Not too much happened and I lost $50 after a couple hours. Sorry I don't remember too many hands from this because nothing really big happened. I decided after a couple hours that I was not feeling well enough and just exhausted. I bought in for the 7PM tournament at Aria and bubbled. It was on fight night.
Headed back to my room to pass out and get some real rest.

Woke up at 10:30am
Headed over to Aria and checked out all the AVP stuff and got my free hat. Met a couple AVPers but I am a little shy so didn't really talk too much.
Jumped into a 2/5 game as they opened a new table.
I bought in $400. UTG I get 55 and limp along with V1. Button raises to $15 and BB calls, V calls.
Flop comes 5c 10c 4d
BB checks, I bet $30 and V raises to $80. I smooth call with the flush draw out there. Turn is a 9H. I check, He bets $125 and I shove for about $320 and he calls.
River is a 9D so I hit a boat. He turns over JC9C for trips.
Doubled up to about $850. Soon after, I get Kh 10h UTG and limp and 1 other limper behind me. Cut off raises to $15. SB, BB calls and I call along with other limpers. Flop from 10c 8c 7d. SB bets out $30. BB calls and I decide to just call. everyone else folds.
Turn 2h and SB bets out $80. BB calls and I decide to call. River is As and SB shoves for $310. After awhile I Figured he had a pair with some sort of combo draw and call. He turns over 10 9 and I take a 1k pot. At this point I have about $1250. I pick up AsKs in the SB with the straddle on. Everyone folds and I raise to $40. straddle calls. Flop comes 10 6 3 I believe.
I bet out $50 and he raises to $125. I tank for a bit and decide if I want to make a move here and decide to reraise to $325. He tanks and ships it in for $188 more. I am getting about 5 to 1 so I decide to call. Spike an A on the turn and rake in another huge pot.
Played a few more hands before cashing out for the 1PM AVP tournament.
I played in the tournaments and I felt the structure was not as great as it seemed to be with the 20k starting chips. I felt short stack almost the entire time and was card dead. Nothing interesting here and busted out at 1500/3000. Cut off shoved all in and I was on button with KJ and shoved with my remaining 16k and BB calls.
Cut off shows 78 and BB shows KK. 78 makes a straight on the river and takes the pot.

Jumped back to the 2/5 cash game with $400 where Nothing really happened for about 2 hours. Table change and nothing happened there for another 2 hours. 1 hand to mention is a raise to $20 on the cut off with 3 5 off. V calls on the button. and BB calls.
Flop comes 3 3 J. I bet out $40, he re raise me to $120 and I shove for $315.
He shows QQ and misses the turn and river.
I cashed out $650 and head over to Bellagio where I got into a 2/5 game. Buy in $400. If anyone was here on this night, you would have seen the completely smashed guy to my right that caused so much trouble for everyone. He ended up getting kicked out for calling with J6 with air and tables his hand and the dealer thought he said fold when he clearly said call. Dealer mucks his hand, pushes the pot to the other player which mucks his hand. The guy flips out and said he tabled his hand and the other player mucked it which is a dead hand. This goes on for awhile. I am laughing my ass off but nobody else on the table thinks it's funny. It's probably because they were all losing to this donkey. I loved it. He created so much action.

middle position I pick up Ks9s and call the $10 raise from the donkey to my right. V1 to my left calls with a few other callers. Flop comes Kc 8d 4c. I bet out $50 and V1 behind calls and donkey calls as well. Turn is a 6s which gives me top pair with a flush draw. I ship it in for about $300 because I felt V1 was strong and prefer to just bet instead of calling with this hand because I was not folding it for my chip stack. He raises to $800 or something. No idea what he had but once the As hits the river I turn over my hand with the nuts. Double up again.
I take my 1k and move over to 5/10 which was an awesome game. One guy must have had 9k on a Bellagio 5/10.
After about 5 hours, it's 4am in the morning and I pick up AA on the button. I raise to $40 with 2 limpers. BB raises to $140, UTG limper calls, limper shoves for $1000. I call and other 2 fold. Guy asked me to run it twice so I said sure. Ran it twice and 10 high both boards. He turns over JJ and I take in the $2400 pot.

I played for about 17 hours on this sunday and made $3350.
Pretty awesome day if you ask me. Went back to my room at about 6am and took a nap and headed back to the airport for my 12pm flight. See ya soon Vegas.

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  1. Nice ! Thanks. I wrote a report like yours recently. Only problem is mine was a fantasy.

  2. Wow...nice. That is the antithesis of my entire 2 week trip. lol

  3. Tell me about your free Aria hat please.

  4. It's an AVP hat, not an aria hat.

  5. Headed over to Aria and checked out all the AVP stuff and got my free hat. Met a couple AVPers but I am a little

    Hey Sales: Knew I read this somewhere on this site. How does one get the free Aria Hat??

  6. Nice trip report and an even better trip !!

  7. Sales: I'm ambidextrous. Hoe does one get the AVP hat??

  8. He was there the weekend of the AVP meet at Aria , that was were he got the AVP hat . There are historically 4 meets a year so all you have to do is attend one .

  9. Thanks Inger; finally a logical answer. I'll travel to Vegas for a hat any day.