I put down 200 and lost every hand but y'all call they a good time
Done that
@Ray375 bummer man!
Were they nice enough not to say "That's why they call it gambling"?
@StevieD54 and I have seen a guy get down to his last 2k double down. Borrowed the 2k. His MO was never to buyin for more than 6k. Watched his play for the next 8 hours. Walked plus 844K. Yep. That’s why it’s called gambling
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Done that
@Ray375 bummer man!
Were they nice enough not to say "That's why they call it gambling"?
@StevieD54 and I have seen a guy get down to his last 2k double down. Borrowed the 2k. His MO was never to buyin for more than 6k. Watched his play for the next 8 hours. Walked plus 844K. Yep. That’s why it’s called gambling