Poker Strategy Books: No Limit Hold'em
Anyone have any suggestions on the best book to read and learn about No Limit Hold'em?
Not trying to be a pro, but want to lean how to hold my own at local tournaments here in Vegas and maybe make a little money while I'm at it...thanks!
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The best poker book I've ever read was Harrington on Holdem. He does a good job of explaining everything in an easy to follow fashion. I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones too so hopefully others can add their feedback too.
@JonFriedberg Thanks! I'll have to check it out.
@JonFriedberg I agree, good book for beginners and is laid out well for learning. The book does a good job addressing the various playing styles, how to play against each type of opponent, and even choosing a style you can use for yourself. But remember, a playing style isn't cast in stone; even the most conservative players have to switch gears and become much more aggressive at times, and vice three cents.
I prefer online video training sites over books. Much easier to watch pros play and hear their thought process.