Encore Boston Harbor
- Phone:
- (857) 770-3090
- Poker Tables:
- 24 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (All Day)
- Minimum Age:
- 21
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Announcements from Encore Boston Harbor
EBH Poker is Open 24 Hours Every Day!
Evening Tournament Canceled on Jan 20
January Promotions
Sun High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes
Mon High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes
Mon Jan 20 High Hand
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes
Tue High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes
Wed High Hands
11am to 8pm $500/8pm to 12am $300|Every 30 minutes
Thu High Hands
12pm to 12am $300/Every 20 minutes
Sat High Hands
11am to 4pm $500/Every 20 minutes
January Tournaments-Registration opens 1 hour Before Tournament Starts,
No Tournament at 5:15pm on Jan 20
Mon-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm
Tue-5:15pm $340 $100 Bounty
25k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 6:45pm
Wed -10:15am $240 20k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm
Wed-5:15pm $300 25k Chips/20 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 8:15pm
Fri- 10:15am $420 30k Chips/25 Min Levels,
Registration closes at 12:05pm
BadBeat Jackpot: $25,278.90
Cash Games Offered
- 1/3 No Limit Holdem
- Buy-in: $100 to $500
- Runs: Always
- 2/5 No Limit Holdem
- Buy-in: $300 to $1,000
- Runs: Always
- 5/10 No Limit Holdem
- Buy-in: $500 to $2,000
- Runs: One or two tables
- 10/25 No Limit Holdem
- Buy-in: $1,500 to $5,000
- 2/2 Pot Limit Omaha Hi
- Buy-in: $300 to $1,000
- 5/5 Pot Limit Omaha Hi
- Buy-in: $500 to $2,000
- 10/10 Pot Limit Omaha Hi
- Buy-in: $1,000 to $5,000
- 25/25 Pot Limit Omaha Hi
- Buy-in: $2,500 to $10,000