Final Table Poker Club
- Phone:
- (503) 719-5457
- Poker Tables:
- 15 Tables
- Hours:
- Open Now (10:30am - 1:00am)
- Minimum Age:
- 21
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Tournament Calendar
Tournament Schedule
NLH w/Rebuys & Add-On
11:00am- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$40 NL Holdem -
NLH w/Rebuys & Add-On
11:00am- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$20 NL Holdem -
NLH w/Rebuys & Add-On
11:00am- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$20 NL Holdem -
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$100 NL Holdem -
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$100 NL Holdem -
NLH Turbo w/Rebuys & Add-On
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$40 NL Holdem -
NLH w/Rebuys & Add-On
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$20 NL Holdem -
NLH Freezeout
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
$100 NL Holdem -
NLH Bounty
6:00pm- M
- T
- W
- T
- F
- S
- S
- with an exception
$40 NL Holdem