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eob175 wrote a review about Golden Nugget LV in Las Vegas, NV

Bad dealers and collusion galore

I really liked the look and feel of the room but I played there on just about the last day before they moved it. It was nice to play in a real "room" even though it was just a sort of big tent. The natural light was nice and you could look out onto the pool which was also nice. The tables werent worn and the chairs were decent. I've seen the new location and I must say I like the old one much better.

Pretty soft comepetition but a lot of locals who wont play against each other but will play against you. However if you get into a hand where two people arent playing as one you're in good.

Did nothing to stop the obvious collusion going on at the table. Players were showing other players their cards or whispering in their ear during a hand and the dealers said and did nothing. I had to say something which should not be my place and even after I did the dealer just gave the players warning after warning but no action was ever taken. Maybe they were in on it too but even if they were not it's still disgracefull.

About every 20-30 a girl would be by, but it would take her about 10 minutes to come back with the drinks.

Management was friendly and were pretty liberal with their comps. You were supposed to play a certain amount of hours a day but if I was an hour under one day and I still got comped.

No high-hands or free food on site but you got a 10$ comp for either the buffet or the snack bar for every 4 hours you played. And I must say the food at the snack bar was excellent. Try the chicken tenders.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Golden Nugget LV Reviews

jonwu wrote a review about Golden Nugget LV in Las Vegas, NV

Stay away

Takes forever to get into game. Tables only 8 handed, what a joke. Everywhere else is back to 9 and 10 handed. Covid... Read More