Poker Tables:
9 Tables
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Poker Room Features

Poker Room Details

Venue Type
Hotel & Casino
Rewards Program

Luxor Casino Details

Luxor Las Vegas offers a 9-table poker room to players on Las Vegas Boulevard. As a mid-sized venue, Luxor offers a decent spread of variety in its games. Although all of the room’s daily tournaments are no-limit hold’em, cash games vary between no-limit, spread-limit and limit hold’em.

In an attempt to produce a unique selling point to the saturated market of live poker venues in Las Vegas, The Luxor offers inflated comp rates for players in many of its games. All limit games offer $3/hour comps. All earnings can be traded for the usual selection of tableside options, including food service.Comps can also be banked for use elsewhere in the building.

Luxor also has a full selection of poker-room promotions. NFL lovers can watch the game from the poker room as they play and spice up the action with NFL drawings..

The poker room is adequately sized and features automatic shufflers. The poker room recently moved next to the sports book, with all new felt on the tables..

Luxor closed its permanently June 2017