Poker Tables:
13 Tables
Closed (2:00pm - 5:00am)
Minimum Age:
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am
2:00pm - 5:00am

⚠️ Enable PokerAtlas Notifications ⚠️

IMPORTANT Please ENABLE NOTIFICATIONS for the PokerAtlas App on your iPhone or Android device to continue receiving waitlist notifications. We are no longer using SMS/Text Messages in most USA and international markets.

Android Instructions

iOS Instructions

Announcements from Paramount Social Club

No Door Fees / No Time Fees
Food/Drinks Provided for all players
Armed Security
Beautiful Game Girls

Daily Cash Games
$1/2 Cash Game | $50 Minimum Buy-In
$1/3 Cash Game | $100 Minimum Buy-In

$5,000 NLH Bad Beat Jackpot
$500 Omaha Jackpot when dealt 4 of a kind
$50 NLH High Hand every hour 8pm - 2am
***Full House or better
***Both hole cards must play

$1000 Guaranteed Freeroll everyday @5pm
* Free to enter 5K Chips
* 5K bonus chips when registered before 5pm
* $10 Staff Add-On 15K Chips
* $10 Rebuys
-------- 2 Rebuys available immediately
-------- 4 Rebuys when felted + 10K Bonus Chips
**----** ($40 for 50K Chips)

$10,000 GTD Stack Tournament
* Sunday February 2nd @5pm
* $100 Entry

* $250 Tournament Bad Beat Aces Full of Kings

*All tournaments must have 9 players within 30 minutes of the scheduled start time for the GTD to be valid*

Poker Room Features

Poker Room Details

Venue Type
Card Room