Poker Tables:
5 Tables
Minimum Age:
timplester wrote a review about Plaza Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Great Place to play

This has to be the Friendliest Place to play in Vegas..The Poker Room manager Dave goes out of his way to make sure everyone has a good there are no dealers,with the pro-poker Tables Dave the manager and his Staff are gracious Hosts .making sure everyone is comfortable and Hydrated. With micro and Low limit is by far the best Value available for novice and rec players. The comps suck,but what can you expect for 3.$ 12$ and 24$ buy-ins..Some tourneys even have guarantees. Dave will accommodate any stakes that you want to play in cash games..Want to play poker in Vegas and not worry about losing your whole Bankroll.than the Plaza is the place to play..i mean what else can you do in Vegas for a couple of hours for 24$,with free drinks.I have and do Recommend the Plaza to all my friends and relatives. The locals that play there are Friendly and Helpful. Cant wait to go back!!

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Recent Plaza Casino Reviews

Baz wrote a review about Plaza Casino in Las Vegas, NV

Fun at the Plaza!

3 tables and very friendly atmosphere. Low stakes poker lead to a very relaxing and entertaining poker experience A... Read More