BigGreek30 wrote a review about River Room in Houston, TX

has potential to be amazing

This room has everything a player could ask for. They spared no expense, from the chairs, tables, food/ bar, and layout. Great parking, security, pretty much everything except they aren't marketing correctly. They need to start running big tournaments, do giveaways and hire the right dealers, game runners to get this place popping. There to much competition and more top notch places opening that if they don't set themselves apart and do stuff others aren't they won't make it. They already charge too much, door fee and hourly, but don't have any games going. They need to run free time late morning/early afternoon and they need to do giveaways daily to build their clients. Daily tournaments help, get game runners to help. Just my thoughts.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from River Room Social Club

Closure Announcement: River Room Social Club is permanently closed as of Saturday, August 12th. We want to express our deepest gratitude for being part of our journey. It has been an honor serving the community 🖤

For any questions or concerns, please contact us at:
- Phone: 346-340-4263
- Email:

The River Room Team

Recent River Room Reviews

Yo1 wrote a review about River Room in Houston, TX

WTF Closed

WOW came down to check them out today May 22 @5:40pm closed. They do have there act together. Nothing on the overview... Read More