Poker Tables:
12 Tables
Closed (11:00am - TBD)
Minimum Age:
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
11:00am - TBD
younggun22 wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

Still high action/still no facelift

Games are still amazing!! Dealers are probably the best overall group here than anywhere else! Friendly player pool, top notch dealers and professionally ran by the management. The only thing this place is lacking is a facelift. It's old, a tad dirty and just sort of out dated esthetically. Could use a small facelift. Otherwise, this might still be the highest action, softest competition room in all of Austin. Still worth every minute spent here. Just wondering when the ownership will listen to the player pool asking for a remodel?

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Announcements from Shuffle 512


NEW Saturday $3k Guarantee Freeroll at 7pm!!!

Weekly Player Giveback
Austin's best value!! The more you play, the more free time you get:
15-19 Hours: $12 free time
20-24 Hours: $18 free time
25-29 Hours: $24 free time
30-34 Hours: $36 free time
35-39 Hours: $48 free time
40-44 Hours: $60 free time
45-49 Hours: $72 free time
50+ Hours: $120 free time

Time pricing
1 hour - $12
4 hours - $44
10 hours - $100

Daily Tournament Schedule:
Mondays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Tuesdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Wednesdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Thursdays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Fridays 7pm: $3000 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Saturday 7pm: $3000 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)
Sundays 7pm: $1500 Guarantee Freeroll ($30)

Call in or use PokerAtlas to get on the list!

Recent Shuffle 512 Reviews

Kdee309 wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

Mike D

I love this room, the dealers and players are respectful and helpful if your a beginner. There's plenty of pots to be... Read More

DWagg wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

great staff

I play here quite a bit. Everyone is really nice and friendly. The lighting is the worst. Fun tournaments and cash... Read More

CKP wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

Bad management

I've tried a few rooms in Austin thus has to be one of the worst. They offer snacks and drinks, however higher prices... Read More

rbs745 wrote a review about Shuffle 512 in Austin, TX

Great Room

Love this place. I moved to town recently and this has been my goto pokerroom. Friendly staff, good dealers, free... Read More