Poker Tables:
30 Tables
Open Now (All Day)
Minimum Age:
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
All Day
TRB wrote a review about South Point in Las Vegas, NV

comfortable and competitive

The new room is well situated with walls on three sides and railing on the fourth with a view of the rest of the casino. A wonderful aspect of the room is that they have spaced the tables just right with about six feet between the backs of chairs at ajoining tables. Everybody has plenty of room and plenty of walking space but it certainly doesn't feel empty.
The decor is classy with much trim and paneling. The players' chairs are very comfortable with extra lumbar support and they are adjustable. The room is well lit as is the entire casino. For the first time I didn't feel a desire to go to my usual favorite, Venetian.

A nice mix of tourists and regulars. Some of both types were tough and some not. In playing four days and evenings I encountered only two super aggressive fellows. The morning tournaments had a nice mix but mostly passive folks.

All dealers were quick, friendly and sure of themselves. None of them engaged in too much conversation.

Very attractive, friendly, quick and correct. The room has a self service machine with coffee and hot chocolate.

All bosses were welcoming and efficient. Perry handled a dispute between a player and a dealer very well. He even went to view the tape,returned quickly and explained with clarity and confidence that the dealer had done it correctly.

I earned enough comps for some free meals several days.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

Announcements from South Point Casino

1/hr. comps.
$300,000 Summer Freeroll - Qualifying continues for our $300,000 Summer Freeroll. Play 100 hours in our promotion-eligible cash games and get your entry into the $300,000 Summer Freeroll with a First Place prize of $40,000. All qualifying players will be paid $200. You also get paid bonus money for every hour you play over 100. Tournament to be played September 9, 10, & 11. Finals on September 13 @ 2pm.

Hot Card July - Every day, improve with Pocket Sevens and win bonus money. Flop a set for $75, Make 10s Full for $150, Flop 10s Full for $300, Make Quad 10s for $500 & Flop Quad 10s for $1,000. 50% payouts for all Omaha games for a full house or better. No payout for sets in Omaha. Stud payouts are now available: $50 for Three of a kind, $100 for a Full House, and $500 for Quads. (must have two Hot Cards down)

High Hands - Instant High Hand payouts of $50 for Quads, $100 for a straight flush, $150 for a Steel Wheel, and $250 for a Royal Flush.
Omaha players must flop the hand to qualify for a full payout. Straight Flush, Steel Wheel and Royal Flush pay 50% if made on the turn or river.

Bad Beat Bonus - $599 to the loser, $300 to the winner, $100 to each active player. Payouts for Hold’em, Omaha, and Stud.

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poker action

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