Queen J wrote a review about Spirit Mountain in Grand Ronde, OR

Great stop on the way to the coast!

The Spirit Mountain poker room is a great stop on the way to the coast. Most popular here during the weekdays is 3/6 limit, always a game going, I've seen up to 6 tables on weekends. Weekends definitely have a little more variety, with on average 2-4 tables of 1/3 no limit and 2-3 tables 2/5 no limit and even 5/10 no limit Friday & Saturday evenings. Saturday evenings are by the far the busiest.

High hand promotions daily.

Dealers have always been professional and competent.

They have tournaments every day except Sunday.

Hotel is beautiful as well, if you can manage to get a room. Seems they are always full. I would suggest making far in advance reservations.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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