Poker Tables:
25 Tables
Open Now (8:00am - 2:00am)
Minimum Age:
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 1:00am
8:00am - 2:00am
8:00am - 2:00am
8:00am - 2:00am
Globalranger wrote a review about The Brook in Seabrook, NH

$8 rake in a $1/$2 game!

Maybe a recreational thing, but playing here you feel like a sucker because they rake you like a sucker. Just no point to come here. Dealers are slow, but nice. No food at the table. Sports book and slots dominate everything. Sad.

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Announcements from The Brook

January Poker Promotions
Hold Em High Hands

Mon: $1000 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Tue: $200 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Wed: $500 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Thu: $500 every 30min 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1230pm)

Fri : $300 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Sat: $300 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Sun: $250 every hour 12pm - 8pm (first payout at 1pm)

Tue Jan 14th and 28th
$300 every 20 min from 12pm to 8pm

Check out our Website and Facebook Page for ALL Upcoming Announcements:

Recent The Brook Reviews

hahawe129 wrote a review about The Brook in Seabrook, NH

worst ever

out of all the poker rooms in the area all the way to boston this is the absolute worst chasers is bad also ,but the... Read More