Overall, a nice place locally to play poker legally.
Experienced poker management who are attentive to poker player's needs & wants. Changes to current set ups are always being reviewed with changes being made as they deem necessary to promote a well establish & comfortable place to play poker. They will spread any game as long as there are enough players wanting to play a particular variant.
Poker dealers are some of the best around and focus on getting lots of hands out in a well-controlled manner. Thier very experienced, know the game(s), very friendly, and can interact with the players while managing two decks to keep hands moving.
Building is a little old but offers a good playing area. Plenty of available parking. Tables & chairs are nice, and the tracking of players time is seamless so far. Poker Atlas system is a nice change to BravoLive system.
Club membership rates (d/w/m) are fair with the monthly being the best deal if you play a lot of poker. Hourly rate could be a little lower but if you purchase in bulk, you can get that rate to a more favorable amount.
Again, good place to play poker and should be getting better as more players join the club and some of the regulars who use to play at the closed poker room at the local casino start to visit.