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BigFish wrote a review about Venetian Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

A Sea of Douche Bags

Decor Matches the hotel theme.
i rate d this room low because of the people I saw here. this is based on how the people looked, not how they played. I'll get to the competition in the next section.

It was literally a sea of douche bags. I saw a guy in his late 40's wearing a sports jersey and track pants. He walked around like he was Tony Soprano and gave everyone a dirty look. It was funnier to me because he was old and was holding a bud lite in his hand and sipping it around the room, giving handshakes to every single person he knew in the room. He wanted to make sure people knew he was known.

I saw people who THOUGHT they were on tv. They wore fedoras, trilbies, scarves, sunglasses, bell bottoms, you name it and if it was out of style, you saw it there. It's like everyone there was trying to prove a point.

the players I sat down next to, almost every single one of them seemd annoyed. The only people who were comfortable there were the regulars. You knew they were regulars/professionals and lived in town because the dealers and floormen talked to them freely and openly. This room wasn't welcoming at all. I live in LA and play regularly at Commerce Casino, and I felt like I was back in Commerce. These were exactly the people I was truing to avoid, the trashy people...

The room is 10 handed. My personal opinion on 10 handed games is that they changed the odds dramatically and force the players to play more aggressively. It sucks for the most part and it sucked for me.

this is what happened to me:

I was playing the 2/5 NLHE game

1. Preflop Raise $20
2. I call. 2 other guys call.
3. Ace on the flop, original raiser checks. I bet $60 into a $80 pot
4. Douche bag behind me thinks for a minute. He calls.
5. everyone folds
6. There's both a flush and a straight draw now on the turn. I go all in for $220
7. Douchey thinks for a second and calls.
8. I have Ace-Queen, he has Ace-10. A @#$% 10 comes on the river giving him 2 pair.

My point is this: there are too many idiots in this room, and the only advantage that the Venetian has is that it has the players. No other room has as many games running as the Venetian, but that's not the best reason to go somewhere just because they have a game running. This is to the Tourists disadvantage because they came to play and a game is available at all hours of the day here nd run into working professionals.

I say this only because I didn't have to post to get into a game and they didnt tell me that. I asked to be put in behind the button and that I would post. Dealer just repeats part of what I said and asks: "Behind the button?" and I say yes. In other words, I missed out on like 5 free hands and I didnt even know it.

Got my order right, that's all that mattered. they looked average, I was expecting hotter and classier gals here but as I've said in my other posts, I came here to play poker and I'll be using my winnings to go to a Nudie Bar for my visual jollies...

I stand in front of the podium and the woman behind the counter just looks right at me. I wait a few seconds because I know she's busy and I at least expect her to say something like : " hold on, I'll be right wih you in a second." she didn't say @#$% to me for another 10 seconds, so I just start asking her for a seat on the 2/5. That was just a @#$% disgrace in my opinion in a 5 star Hotel. but I guess if you work here you turn grumpy and don;t give a @#$% when all you see is douche bags at the V poker room everyday

Didnt have a comp card but I dont plan on coming back so I dont know.

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Announcements from Venetian Las Vegas


July Card of the Month = Sevens

$1,000 awarded to anyone who flops quads or a straight flush utilizing the card of the month in their hand (quads must be a pocket pair and both hole cards must play for a straight flush). $600 awarded if they turn or river quads or a straight flush utilizing the Card of the Month in their hand.

See Official Rules for Details

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