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55 Tables
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jonesconst wrote a review about WinStar Casino in Thackerville, OK

some rules are not for regulars

If this is not your regular room and you come play tourneys just be careful on rules. Players and dealers are pretty chatty and will help each other out on occasion. For instance, I almost checked after river, said nothing verbally, before any part of my hand hit table I decided to bet. Guy throws a fit, manager comes, dealer lies to backup his story so obviously my words not going to win. Had woman on either side of me back me but again they know each other. Another one. Before tourney the director explicitly said any chips crossing line will stay. Three instances these "friends" weren't paying attention as them and dealer telling stories and acted out of turn etc and put chips in. Or "didn't see a prior raise". Each time the "friends" got to take the chips back. Other than the friends helping friends @#$% the room is good. Quick to get a seat and most dealers pretty good.

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Recent WinStar Casino Reviews

hag wrote a review about WinStar Casino in Thackerville, OK

poker 24/7

You can always get into a game at WinStar ; no matter what your dollar amount is. Tournaments run daily; with special... Read More