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Lofty wrote a review about Wynn in Las Vegas, NV

Great graveyard staff, but sensitive morning staff

During my visit, I encountered several issues that I believe warrant your attention. The morning shift manager's behavior was unprofessional and not in line with the high standards I have come to expect from the Wynn. Specifically, the lady shift manager on duty seemed to have a personal issue with me because I was drinking and being quite talkative at the table. She proceeded to cut my friends and me off from drinking, which we had no issue with. However, after three hours, we were still unable to get a drink. Despite this, I remained understanding.

Around 11 AM, despite no complaints from the dealer or other patrons about my talking, she requested that I leave. This caused the game to break as my friends decided to leave too. I want to stress that I never used vulgar language towards any staff member or patron.

I also want to commend the graveyard staff, particularly Joseph and all the dealers during that time, for their pleasant demeanor and professionalism. It is quite disappointing that the experience for my friends and me could change so drastically due to a shift change.

As a loyal patron of the Wynn, I was disappointed with this experience. I hope that this feedback can be used constructively to ensure that all guests receive the excellent service that the Wynn is known for.

Also Food is extremely overpriced.

Food and Drink

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