Poker Tables:
10 Tables
Closed (10:00am - 4:00am)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - 4:00am
12:00pm - 4:00am
12:00pm - 4:00am
12:00pm - 4:00am
12:00pm - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
bettybrie wrote a review about Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ

Creme de la Creme

Years ago smokers had a saying -
"I'll walk a mile for a Camel".
Today, This Poker Player says - "I'll drive Extra Miles/Time (I do) to play Poker at Del."

Why, you might ask! The Short Story...

It's the synergistic environment of the Solid Professional Dealers and FunEntertainment, run by an Action Management Team that Listens and Responds to it's Customers!

I find the Dealers/Cage enjoy doing their job, and show friendly interaction. I love it that they support each other, including their Supervisors. Thank you!

Del will earn my 5th Star after improvements are made with workable table charging connections, and roomier, modern poker tables..

For the few unhappy Del Poker players, I bid you bon voyage to Vegas!

In fact, my recent experience playing poker in Vegas confirmed to me that Del has a very competitive Poker room cadre......

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Casino Del Sol Reviews

zjh333 wrote a review about Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ


I think the dealers in here are the friendliest. And services are fast. The reason it's 0.5 points less is because... Read More

bb42 wrote a review about Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ

Do Better

This room has a lot of potential. You've got endless retirees in Tucson and a University full of people, but no... Read More

br0wn wrote a review about Casino Del Sol in Tucson, AZ

New Room

New room and promotions are great for Tucson. Good timing adding on after sportsbook opened. Hopefully see higher... Read More