Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Minimum Age:
mvalenti311 wrote a review about Concord Casino in Concord, NH

Better than I Expected

I went there for the first time with a good buddy of mine and his fiancé. It was her first live tournament, but knew the basics from free online play. She ended up coming in 2nd place!

The food was pretty decent, the waitress was very nice and on her game. The dealers were friendly and above average. The manager was very down to earth and an awesome guy as well. Good vibes all around! The place is small (one level + basement) but is located conveniently next to a sports-bar. Parking can be a pain if you can't find a street spot or metered parking.

Other than that, the Sunday tournament was a perfect beginners step for her and for newer players. There were a few "regulars" but all in all not bad action and decent competition. Great tournament structure as well, I just wish we had more players today. All in all though I had fun and some great laughs.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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