Poker Tables:
13 Tables
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Mogwai74 wrote a review about Golden Nugget LV in Las Vegas, NV

Must play here .....

It was in the main casino so you can here the slots going off. I enjoyed everything about this room. Tables were spaced out enough and it had a really good feel. It has like 4 plasma TV's on the wall so if you not in a hand you can catch up on some sports. I know that all casinos have tv's, but I felt very comfortable here enough to watch a little of the tube. Great tables, great lighting, and great room.

Played here for 2 days and the competition was pretty good. Got to know alot of the players there and played with them more than once. I know that we had some local pros sit down to test the waters, but it was good. There is no max buy in here, so do not be suprised when you are sitting down at the 1-2 game (NL) if someone sits down with over $500 dollars. We had one guy sit down with over $4000. You have to be confident in your game. We did see a few donkeys here, I know that we had a guy drop about $1000 dollars in less than in hour. He did not have bad luck, he just chased everything. You need guys like this in your game, you just pray for the nuts when he is playing. I know that the last night I played, we had 2 guys that played really well. They played in the WSOP events and shared stories. They bullied the table a little, but I stood my ground. I really enjoyed this poker room.

great dealers with great attitudes ....

Never had to wait on a drink ....

Very well run ... very professional!!! I was told that tournaments were very well ran here.

not sure

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Golden Nugget LV Reviews

jonwu wrote a review about Golden Nugget LV in Las Vegas, NV

Stay away

Takes forever to get into game. Tables only 8 handed, what a joke. Everywhere else is back to 9 and 10 handed. Covid... Read More