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binkcity wrote a review about Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby, BC

Slow Pace, but Appropriate Action (2/5; $1500)

Visiting from Los Angeles. Not much cardroom experience outside of LA and Vegas. Largest room in Van, but smallest room I've played in. So perhaps I'm not accustomed to this style.

Took an okay amount of time to be seated. A lot of seat changes when the 5/10 finally opened. I made a last second decision to change to the 2/5 given the look of the regs.

The 2/5 I was seated at lost most of its players to the new 5/10, so I took 5-10 minutes to fill (despite the list having 10+ names.

Once cards were in the air, pace seemed to take forever. The floor was constantly meddling with our dealers chip tray and obstructing play. However after about 45-60 minutes, things seems to settle into a groove.

Action was better than expected after the unpleasant start. Nothing crazy, just poker. An adequate amount of 3! which was good to see.

Can't attest to the rest of the town, but this room would be worth giving a shot if you're traveling or new to the city.


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Recent Grand Villa Casino Reviews

bpapao wrote a review about Grand Villa Casino in Burnaby, BC


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