GoNavyBeatArmy wrote a review about Great Blue Heron in Port Perry, ON

This used to be the best place. Now, much less so.

Full disclosure: I worked there for years in its infancy.

For years, this was the place to play. Fastest dealers, best management, best game, everything. Now, as is always the case, unions ruin everything. Dealers barely even say thank you for tips, game speed at a crawl, pit staff feels like they’re the attraction (yes, you, Susan and Tom) and the place is paralyzed by the list. Everybody shows up and placed their name on every list because there’s no way of knowing what will open next or if there will even be a dealer to open something. I was 40th on 5-10 limit, 10-20 and 1-2 at 3pm on a Thursday last time there. Dealers sat at vacant tables.

Now that they’ve changed poker managers, I wonder if the current one has ever played the game.

5 years ago, this would have been a 5 star glowing review. Now, I play in Niagara or Buffalo.

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Recent Great Blue Heron Reviews

lerom wrote a review about Great Blue Heron in Port Perry, ON


Called 2 hours before for the 1/2 NL. The lady on the phone says for a Friday the line is moving well. Got there my... Read More