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JKLA wrote a review about Hustler Casino in Gardena, CA

I Really Liked Hustler Pre Covid

They used to have great tournaments and good cash games with a good crowd (for a casino), but it's really gone downhill since the shutdown. We now deal with steady lack of staff (no dealers = very long waits for a table) and food used to be good & worth it if you're playing, but it's gone so far downhill that I'll leave instead. The last straw is since the glass lobby doors were shot out last month in the robbery and it's still not fixed! It seems to be the excuse why it's 80° in all areas except the Hustler Live Stream and higher cash poker games area where it's ice cold. The AC is not working and it's 100 in LA now. The tournament room is ridiculously tiny and way too hot with no air circulation. One thing that's a deal breaker in LA or Vegas for me is climate control. Hustler is being negligent. I've been to other casinos recently (Lucky Lady and Gardens) and they were nice and cool much more comfortable. There was no dealer shortage at Gardens. It's a bummer because Hustler's current tournament staff are great. Hustler's upper management should notice they are losing people lately and many of stay us because we like the tournaments but enough to ignore all these issues. Also NO points for play btw. They are showing us they don't value their players. Dealers are fine just a lack of good ones and a lot of new ones.

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Announcements from Hustler Casino

Winter Cash Drawings

Recent Hustler Casino Reviews

jonwu wrote a review about Hustler Casino in Gardena, CA

Stay away

Takes forever to get into game. Tables only 8 handed, what a joke. Everywhere in vegas is back to 9 and 10 handed.... Read More

Tenormen wrote a review about Hustler Casino in Gardena, CA

eh mid

The action is decent, many of the 1/3, 2/3, 2/5, and 5/5 players are ATMs. The room is oddly shaped and tables are... Read More

Fodee2 wrote a review about Hustler Casino in Gardena, CA

Good vibes

Great to be able to eat at the table and have waitresses available. Also like that you are able to check in on a... Read More

jc1996 wrote a review about Hustler Casino in Gardena, CA


Coolgggjnhhhhhh jobs d d bdhddhbdhd Dbd. D d s s. S s d d d d c c cs c. X. CJ jj do if jrcjjr irk it r hit it to th t... Read More