Ive got a bone to pick with Indigo. The WSOP charges men 10,000$ to play the ladies tournament. Im tired of playing young whipper snapper all in maniacs with their hoodies and always wanting ICM chops instead of chopping it even. So Indigo should charge those young punks in their 30s and 40s 10x what we seniors pay to keep the game fair and free of their pre flop raises that just ruin the game. I mean, they dont even know what the gosh darn flop is so why are they raising? Maybe they are counting cards and know what the flop is? If I find out that they are counting cards I will call the AARP and throw a ring tailed fit. Whats with the kids in these tournaments always on their cellular telephones too? They are phones but they are always staring at them like they are awaiting their little girlfriends to call. Heavens to Betsy I need to play poker with these youngsters like I need a hole in the head.
So unless I misunderstood Shane Lees review, I agree with him completely. More dramatic edge is needed for us to counter their card counting and hiding their faces with their hoody once I get a tell on them.
Chester Raymond The Last.