Poker Tables:
8 Tables
Closed (10:00am - 3:30am)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - 12:00am
10:00am - 3:30am
10:00am - 3:30am
10:00am - 3:30am
10:00am - 3:30am
jetterbobb wrote a review about Indigo Sky Casino in Wyandotte, OK

"Rough One"

-If you're a tournament player just know that unless you play cash regularly you'll be disadvantaged and start with less chips. And if you sign up late.... same (less chips) 🤨 Odd?
-Low IQs and High ages. Some would call it "dead money" flying around. They'll prove you wrong. It's a glorified bingo hall.
-If you're not a goofy regular don't bother...

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

Announcements from Indigo Sky Casino

CURRENT BAD BEAT- Over $60,000
Quad 3's or better beat to qualify.
Jackpot amount subject to change daily.
2♥ See Poker Room for rules and details.

All tournaments will have optional dealer appreciation add-on at registration.
And an additional add-on at the break period with 50% going back to prize pool.

Aâ™  1st Quarter Warrior Club Oct 1,2024 to Dec 31, 2024-Top 15 earn free entry to Warrior Tournament ($100 per top 15 warrior earners PLUS $1000 added = $2500
PLUS all other entries!) Anyone can enter - $100 buy-in! Tournament Held on Jan 5, 2024

Aâ™  SUPER SATURDAY High Hands: 4-midnight-every 3rd Saturday of the month!

A♦ Dec. 31st, New Year's Eve High Hands 5pm-Midnight. $100 Cash Prizes 5:30pm-10pm and $2025 at Midnight.
(Players may only win twice.)

A♠ Duck Hunter's Tournament every Friday at 2pm. Hit Quad 2♥2♠2♦2♣ and win the progressive amount.
Current Bonus: $1,550; last win was $2,610 on 9-20-24.

Aâ™  Jan. 5th is our Warrior Tournament at 3 PM with $1,000 added to the Prize Pool.

A♣ Jan. 1st New Year's Holiday Bounty. $125+$10 Entry. $50 Bounties.

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