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Swede-T wrote a review about Lucky Chances in Colma, CA

Big room full of action

Promotion: A lot of them from high hands to jackpots all hours of the day (probably not but it feels like it)

Big room with a lot of different poker options, but I have only played 1/2/2 and 2/3/5 NL. They also play use the kill button so that you can straddle from anywhere except the blinds. Very friendly place and the 10 times I have been there I have gotten a seat quite fast. The dealers and staff and easy going and professional. The action is wonderful with a lot of locals and big pots will happen every round of the blinds. I really like it here and will be playing here every time Im in the neighbourhood. The food is also really good and you can eat by the table while playing.

Btw parking is free

Food and Drink

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