Poker Tables:
1 Table
Minimum Age:
Flimby wrote a review about Mont-Tremblant in Mont-Tremblant, QC

Regulars, but weak

im a former grinder, now play for fun but made abt around 7bb an hr when I played ft 10 years ago. They run one table, 1-2nl, $250 CAD max buy in. Game runs from 7pm. I got there around 830 and had about 45 min wait to sit. 10 seats, pit boss said 9 were regulars. But, game itself was very easy. 3 tight players, 3-4 loose, rest in middle. Multiple callers preflop at 16-20$ raises on many occasions and some very aggressive action post flop with top pair. Played like a weak 2-5nl game, as opposed to a passive newbie 1-2nl game, back where I’m from (larger casino in big city with 10+ 1-2nl games running on a weekend) - so that was nice actually. Game broke at 130am. I would def play here again for a chill/beatable game while on vacation. Had two beers and left up 320.

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