Poker Tables:
32 Tables
Closed (10:00am - 2:00am)
Minimum Age:
12:00pm - 12:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 3:00am
9:00am - 3:00am
mambojambo wrote a review about One-Eyed Jacks in Sarasota, FL

great room, great staff, decent players

i'm a younger guy who's mainly been playing the saturday deep stack from about february-july religiously. i see these post of collusion between dealers and players but i hardly think thats the case at others have said there are a lot of older regs that play everyday and know each other and the dealers very well..if the negative posts are suggesting cheating between dealers and regs, i hardly doubt it...i've busted multiple regs in big flips like 33s vs ak, 88, vs AQ, multiple river suck-outs and counterfeits to my favor.....i can see how randoms can say that the reg players may be in collusion by maybe "taking it easier on each other in pots" but i dont think thats collusion right? yes you do see a lot of the same familiar faces at final tables in the tournerys, but their regs! they play ALL the time and know the people, know the game, and they're bound to make it far with only 5-6 tables running lol...i myself, in that 4 month span, probably made an FT 5-7 times (only playing saturdays)...ive bubbled once and min cashed twice...its just tough with such a small feild, good regs, and small prize pool....but when i get back from ecuador in a few months im headed back for more at the kennel club! love the place! gotta ship that 5k 1 day!

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Announcements from One-Eyed Jacks

January 2025

We will be open normal hours 10am-2am on
New Years Eve and New Years Day

Recent One-Eyed Jacks Reviews

nibeda wrote a review about One-Eyed Jacks in Sarasota, FL

great room

The room is spacious, well lit. Terrific food. Really good people. The room is well run. Too many bomb pots at... Read More