Poker Tables:
32 Tables
Closed (9:00am - 3:00am)
Minimum Age:
12:00pm - 12:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
10:00am - 2:00am
9:00am - 3:00am
9:00am - 3:00am
BrandonG92 wrote a review about One-Eyed Jacks in Sarasota, FL

What a joke

Been going for many years. The staff is great for the most part. With the exception of a few dealers that have @#$% poor attitudes and the bankers for ultimate/ 3 card / DJ. Rake in the tournaments are stupid high. Also, they will let incompetent/ wasted players continue to bet as long as the house benefits ( not uncommon for any card room), but kick loyal/ coherent players out for using a swear word( not directed towards any player or staff). The last location was a dump. New spot is much better just needs to replace a handful of banker/ dealers. They must have got too comfortable talking out of line to paying customers.

Food and Drink

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Announcements from One-Eyed Jacks

January 2025

We will be open normal hours 10am-2am on
New Years Eve and New Years Day

Recent One-Eyed Jacks Reviews

nibeda wrote a review about One-Eyed Jacks in Sarasota, FL

great room

The room is spacious, well lit. Terrific food. Really good people. The room is well run. Too many bomb pots at... Read More