Poker Tables:
16 Tables
Open Now (11:00am - 3:00am)
Minimum Age:
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
11:00am - 3:00am
Alipro wrote a review about Players Casino in Ventura, CA

Manager Jake is Very Unprofessional

This happened 6/29/24, Saturday, about 8:30 pm.

I've played poker for over 30 years, at dozens of different casinos. I've never been treated rudely, that is until the floor man Jake decided to make a sarcastic statement, which I felt was rude. It was bad enough to bring tears to my eyes.

This is what happened. I had been playing for over four hours. All at once, three people left our table, putting us at five people. Then another person said he was leaving after one more hand.

I asked the dealer if she'd call floor, since I saw empty seats at other tables, so I thought we could perhaps move to other tables. As this was happening, another person was seated at our table, which now put us at five temporarily, but that's still light.

Jake came over and said we'd draw for seats. There seemed to be no problem. I then asked if the fact I had been at the table the longest, meant anything. He said no.

We drew for three seats. The fourth person was put on the empty waiting list. The fifth person was leaving anyway.

I believe Jake mentioned some table numbers as I was gathering up my chips and jacket, however I didn't hear. He then decided to be sarcastic with me by saying "since you wanted to break the game so badly, I thought you would've been watching where I had pointed."

He then showed me where to sit and I put my chips down at my new seat. My feelings were hurt, as I felt he shouldn't have been sarcastic with me. Therefore, I went to the desk and asked him why he was sarcastic to me, because I thought it was rude.

He said " you were the one that was rude because you broke the game and insisted on getting a seat at another table."

By now, I had tears welled up in my eyes, because his rudeness completely took me by surprise. I then asked if it was okay at The Players Casino to be rude to players. Apparently he didn't like me questioning his rudeness, as he then said "I can ask you to leave at anytime."

So by now I felt like he was threatening me, because he was implying that if I kept questioning him, he'd throw me out.

I'm a 64 year-old, soon to retire teacher, who is looking forward to playing poker in my retirement, I live about 90 miles north of Ventura, and sometimes drive out of my way to play here. Now, I doubt I'll want to go out of my way to play here, since I was treated so poorly by Jake.

On another note, the food is excellent as are the food servers. But Jake is seriously seems like he gets satisfaction out of being rude and throwing people

Food and Drink

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