Poker Tables:
9 Tables
Closed (8:00am - TBD)
Minimum Age:
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
8:00am - TBD
Lrgetrout wrote a review about Riverside Resort in Laughlin, NV

Tournaments at a Good Room

These are for the normal $18 and $35 Hold Em tournaments, as those are what I attended. Higher buyins or different games probably have different structures.

Structure: 100/200, 200/400, break for final add ons (3 minutes morning, 10 minutes night), 300/660 (nights only), (color up $100 chips - they round up, they do not race remainders), 500/1000, (night: color up $500 chips. morning: $500 chips are gradually "bought out" of pots by dealers or colored up leaving remainders, used in the final table process), 1000/2000, 2000/4000, 4000/8000 (night), ?

Morning (10am): 15 minute blind levels until the final table.
Night (7pm): 30 minute levels first two levels, 20 minutes thereafter.

Morning: $18 (3500), unlimited $15 rebuys (3500) first two levels (must have 0 chips to rebuy), $15 add on after two levels (5000). There are also bonus chips if you play an hour in cash games from 8-10 according to a dealer, but no one had this bonus on our table.
Night: $35 (5000), one $10 "add on" (5000, can be used at any time no matter how many chips you have, can be used as a rebuy at 0 chips) first two levels. Re-entries allowed during the first two levels.

An overall good room with good dealers. I had a friend I was visiting that wanted to try out live play. We first went to the 10/31 evening tournament. When we got there at 6:50, they were sold out and we were 4 and 5 on the wait list. 10 minutes into the tournament, they opened up a fourth table for the wait list. The tournament ran generally smoothly, but everyone got short, as could probably be expected for a $35 tournament. We were at 4k/8k with 12 players left when I was knocked out (out of 38 entries - 36 players plus 2 reentries). Still over two hours of solid entertainment for $45.

Then this morning, we played the Turbo. It is definitely a fast structure - we got down to the final table at the 2k/4k blind level (27+ original entries (there were 2 alternates, but I didn't pay attention if they got in), we had 2 rebuys on our table iirc, didn't catch the others, and nearly everyone took the add on (but me)).

The morning final table structure is definitely unique, and I feel it is a fitting finish. You are seated at the final table, and blinds are 0/0/1000 (everyone posts a 1000 ante, no blinds). You cannot open check if there is no action - you must bet at least the minimum bet of the level you finished at (I'm guessing, because the minimum bet was 4k today) or fold. Once opened, play proceeds as normal. Button moves as normal between hands.

After five hands of this, the tournament is over. Final positions are determined by chip counts after the fifth hand.

Other morning final table quirks - talking is discouraged to not give away strategy. If you're a talker, you might find this hard. You are also required to place your chips in stacks in a straight line in front of you - stacks of 5 if you have less than 40, stacks of 10 above 40. You cannot "pyramid" them like you might do with many chips in other circumstances.

Of course, this structure leads to basically 5 hands of all ins to try to get into the money (4 places paid today). Ended up second for $139 in this one.

I enjoyed them both and the room, and will look forward to returning when I'm in the area.

(Did not get any drinks, but servers walked through often enough.)


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