Poker Tables:
14 Tables
Open Now (All Day)
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Poker Room Features

Poker Room Details

Venue Type
Hotel & Casino
Rewards Program
Boarding Pass
Comps & Promotions
$1/hr. Property-wide Bad Bad Jackpot starts at $125K and increases daily, : Flop any quads Tues, Thurs, Saturday & Sunday for $500. Royals pay $599 24/7. Straight Flushes pay $100 24/7. Omaha Hi/Lo high hand payouts. High hand of the hour Mon, Wed, Fri $100.

Santa Fe Station Details

The Santa Fe Station poker room takes over a large proportion of the total casino area. The offering is comprised of more than 10 poker tables. This is more than enough space for daily and weekly low-stakes tournaments, plus limit hold’em and no-limit hold’em cash games. In contrast to many Station properties, this venue also regularly hosts Omaha eight-or-better cash games when enough interest is demonstrated to poker room staff.

The poker offering is easy to locate within Santa Fe Station, as a large white sign beckons casino visitors under the arch to the tables. The poker room itself is quite large and stretches far back to the edge of the property. The dark brown tables are arranged in long rows and set with diamond-shaped seats. These dark colors are offset by the brightness of the carpet and the overhead strip lighting which runs around the perimeter of the room.

Games are 8-handed