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DayTrader1 wrote a review about Santa Fe Station in Las Vegas, NV

Fun Room

If your looking to hang out and play cards this room will suit you just fine. Enough room to move about and the room itself is contained and far enough off of the main floor to keep outside distractions to a minimum.

I played 2/4 limit, 1/2 and 2/5 NL.....I have to say that the level of players ranged from clueless to a couple of players that really knew what they were doing, For the most part the play was really loose. For the player that is patient and bets aggresively with top notch hands this is the place for you..Lots of money to be made.

In the few days I played this room I didn't see many mistakes all of the dealers seemed frendly enough.

Drinks came fast.(maybe too fast for

Always frendly staff when you walk in..They try to get you seated asap!

I didn't get a players card so I didn't think to ask about comps. They do have a huge badbeat jackpot...Maybe thats why you can flop the nuts and get called by 3 guys all the way to the river

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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