Poker Tables:
23 Tables
Minimum Age:
5150 wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

Oustanding Management

Recently visited Seneca and very much enjoyed the trip. Neat location near Niagara Falls (would recommend a spring or summer trip than the winter - trust me) and there's enough to do around there to keep everyone in the family busy so you can go play poker!

Room is in a decent spot in the casino. Thought it was a little dark in there but it's still a good place to play. A lot of food in the hallway and it's away from the slots so no disturbance there.

It was a little light on the games and I wish there would have been a little more variety. The players there though are a good mix and if you want to be challenged you will be.

But the best thing to me was the staff. They were incredibly nice and outgoing. It seemed like they truly cared about the players and I can see why the regulars there swear by the place. These guys could teach some of the Vegas boys a thing or two about customer service. They really helped make the experience and deserve the credit for what they do.

Head on up there - you'll have a great time!

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Seneca Niagara Reviews

cjnms wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

top notch

This place knows how to run a poker room. Dealers are excellent and fast moving. They know what they are doing. The... Read More

JA15 wrote a review about Seneca Niagara in Niagara Falls, NY

Great Room

Overall great room. Managed well. Dealers are solid and experienced. Good promotions with high hands and bad beat.... Read More