Silver Sevens Casino formerly Terrible's

Poker Tables:
1 Table
Minimum Age:
thisguy74 wrote a review about Silver Sevens in Las Vegas, NV

2-4 Limit No-Fold'em Hold'em

They just changed the layout to their casino so the two poker tables are now a little more out in the open with the rest of the pit games, but this still isn't a poker room.

No-foldem was the only game being played. People were winning on the river with 39o because they just kept going until they hit their 2 pair. I had 4 really bad suckouts on the river. The biggest pot was $100.

Good personalities, friendly, but kept the games moving. I could see some technical aspects for them to speed up the games and dealing, but overall they are good.

They just keep 'em coming.

Nice folks and willing to talk and make sure you get into a game. They will take your cell phone number and call you so you can be anywhere in the casino.

With just a 4 hours of play I was able to get 2 free buffets which would usually be about $18. So that is over $4 an hour in essence. Although the buffet lives up to the casino name still.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Silver Sevens Reviews

Zeluob wrote a review about Silver Sevens in Las Vegas, NV

Easy Money

Smokey and crowded. Not the nicest place in Vegas. The first time I have ever played 2/4 Limit Hold'em. I played... Read More