Silver Sevens Casino formerly Terrible's

Poker Tables:
1 Table
Minimum Age:
thisguy74 wrote a review about Silver Sevens in Las Vegas, NV

Fun locals and UNLV game in a small bowl of fish

Not a room. 2 new tables at the end of the pit. The padded edge on one table is not secure to the table and chips easily go underneath. No problem, you just pull off the edge and it comes apart easily.

Mostly inexperience or rocks. With TAG you will do well.

Dealers had enough personality to be friendly, but weren't yapping it up causing a slow down. The only mistake I saw was that the burn card slipped from the dealing hand and landed face up.

I couldn't keep up with the beverage service. I was typically half way through a bottle of MGD when orders were again being taken. She must have been through every 7-10 minutes. I was very impressed. Quality of the mixed beverages was average, but what do you expect at an average off-strip hotel.

Kim was working the room. She was quick to get people on the tables and deal with any issues. She was good in getting comp cards processed and I didn't have any problems getting a buffet after a few hours of play.

High hand $100 giveaway. you must beat the posted high hand with $10 in the pot to win the giveaway. The problem is you don't collect until noon the next day. I wasn't sure if this meant all the high hands were noted and the highest got it or if they just took that long to give $ to you. Either way it is lame. No other jackpots I know about.
I don't know how comps are calculated, but only after a few hours play I asked for and recieved a buffet comp. That was nice, but unfortunately the buffet is pretty bad.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent Silver Sevens Reviews

Zeluob wrote a review about Silver Sevens in Las Vegas, NV

Easy Money

Smokey and crowded. Not the nicest place in Vegas. The first time I have ever played 2/4 Limit Hold'em. I played... Read More