The tables were in good condition, the chairs were comfortable, and the room itself is very accessible.
The $30 tournaments tend to attract a touristy crowd. If you know what you're doing, you've got a chance to do well.
The service here is fantastic. The dealers know what they're doing, and they're great to talk to between hands.
Drink service is good, though the selection can be limited (my drink of choice is an Arnold Palmer with vodka, and they're lacking at least one of iced tea or lemonade). Still, the service is generally pretty quick.
The tournaments are very well-run. My only qualm is that their system maxes out at paying three places; anything more than that requires deal-making by players at the table. It's a minor quirk, but it can be frustrating, especially when the tournaments sometimes draw four or five tables.
I have a Total Rewards card and get credit for the tournaments I play.