Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
Swager wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Was disappointed some..

overall was clean equipment in good shape and liked that the room was set off and seperated from the casino.

played the 11:00 AM tournament. Good players mostly.

no mistakes. kept things moving.

did not ask for any.

The management was friendly. However there were not enough dealers. After playing myself outof the tournament I waited for the next cash table to start. Had to wait for the tournament to finish because they had only two dealers. And a 1-3 NL table was going. So I looked on AVP and found another tournament that was going to start and left.

did not really look into this.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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Recent TI Poker Room Reviews

jb218 wrote a review about TI Poker Room in Las Vegas, NV

Quality Game

I stayed here in February 2014, and played 2 sessions. The room was somewhat small, but not too crowded so the size... Read More