Beautiful room. The tables were comfortable, the chairs were good, the vibe was clubby but not over done. The rail birds were three deep, and when I approached I thought for sure that Daniel Negreanu was playing a challenge match.
No such luck, that's apparently the normal crowd. There were long waits for everything except 4/8. Even the lowest limit table had a shuffler.
The 4/8 game was pretty soft, no locals at all. In the relatively short period of time I was there two players both just tried to give away their chips so they could go. Apparently they hadn't discovered cashing in yet. The higher games looked substancially tougher but the NL games seemed to be much looser than others I saw that week.
I didn't really catch any cards and still left a winner.
Very professional, they didn't make any mistakes I saw but they had terrible uniforms. They had to reach inside a vest to pocket tips and I saw two different dealers drop chips and have to scramble to find them. They were also clearly told to not joke around with the players, so while they were good and nice, they weren't the entertaining kind you sometimes find. I prefer those, but I can also see how it wouldn't mesh with the tone of the place.
I think Claudia Schiffer brought me my drink. Really, all babes in tasteful, yet revealing outfits, and quick drink service. The best anywhere.
I approached the podium and asked what seats were open and he walked around the room checking. He came back and told me 4/8 or $500 buyin NL right now or he would put me on the list, or he could seat me now and come get me when my preference became available. I took the 4/8 seat and there was a chip runner there before I even sat down.
There was some sort of stigma against playing low there, as there was a list of 10 or 12 8/16 and 15/30 players but no one would sit down in the low game.
I didn't stay long enough to get any, but I doubt they really had anything for the low limit players.