Poker Tables:
55 Tables
Open Now (10:00am - 4:00am)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
10:00am - 4:00am
whiteyshark wrote a review about Daytona Beach in Daytona Beach, FL

daytona beach is no good!

I played daytona today for the first time. Now ive played card rooms all across the country and i will say with all certainty that this card room is probably the most second rate room in north america. 1st, the service is less than poor. The staff is mostly uncertain regarding overall room operation. The dealers have very little sense for the games they deal (poker only i dont play against the house). Rules are seldomly followed with accuracy, the poker board host seems disinterested, one waitress for the entire room, and the food is below average. Poker board host allows players to leave the casino and return keeping their seat at cash tables. I have been waiting 45 minutes for a 1/2 no limit table with three seats sitting empty and yet they insist on waiting for players to return to the table that have been gone for the entire 45 minutes. If you like to play half @#$% poker at grandmas house then this is the place for you. I certainly wont return nor will i return to orange city poker room in sanford. Both rooms are just terrible (i won at both rooms by the way). Its just garbage. I thought playing in rooms in deadwood were bad but this takes the cake. If there was a less than negative chip i could click for a rating i would click that. Play here if you must and im just one person with one opinion but if you are a serious player that looks for quality poker play this is not the place for you. My simple warning is dont play here or at orange city. Just my two cents. Take it or leave it.

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Recent Daytona Beach Reviews

SergeyG wrote a review about Daytona Beach in Daytona Beach, FL

great staff

I have been playing at this place for years. I always have a great experience with their staff, poker play and high... Read More

liberto1 wrote a review about Daytona Beach in Daytona Beach, FL


Dreary room, poor management, poor dealers. Very high rake. Play is terrible. Most of the room is there to pass time... Read More