Poker Tables:
7 Tables
Minimum Age:
samspades66 wrote a review about Harrah's Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV

Convenient fun game

The room is very average compared to other rooms where I've played but it does have daylight coming in, which is a plus IMO.

Depends on the table you're seated at. I played against both TAGs and LAGs. Plenty of tourists trying out poker. I was up $346 after three sessions (I ran good)

Great, respectful dealers. A special shout out to Tip from Thailand!

Good service, you don't wait too long. I don't know about top-shelf service.

They'll put you on a table quickly,

I didn't sign up for comps but they do have the megabeat jackpot. I don't care about the extra drop.

Promotions and Comps
Food and Drink

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