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actionpak1 wrote a review about Jamul Casino in Jamul, CA

Decent East County spot, WAY BETTER THAN BARONA.

Overall decent room, only complaints are:

- A couple of Regs who abuse the clock policy. I get why the floormen don't enforce it (casinos are a business after all) but if someone has been away from the table for more than an hour, pick up their chips and put them back at the top of the list if they wanna complain. It's not fair to the other players who pay the rake and blinds to see them play 5 hands in 2 hours.

- Dealers are ok, but their card shufflers are ABSOLUTELY TRASH.

- Chips have been in play for at least 15-20 years and probably never been cleaned. Not the best line to take in the age of COVID.

-The 1/3 game is the typical sort, they usually have a couple of 2/5 tables on the weekends.

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Recent Jamul Casino Reviews

MyAmy wrote a review about Jamul Casino in Jamul, CA


Have been traveling 130 miles to get here. Every Sunday. Love this 10-table area, except for the occasional smoke.... Read More