The Lodge shame on you! Guarantee $500,000 and only pay players $494,000. Putting on your pocket $53,000 plus. At least take $ 6,000 and give to them. Poker players rooms like this one, dont deserve your money and your time.
And please dont say is a glitch because that can be fixed immediately in the system. They will need to say $500,000 regardless.
You are mistaken. $500,000 was/is being paid out from this tournament despite a $28,260 overlay.
$494,000 - paid out to players who made the money
$1,000 - double bag bonus earned by a player who made day 2 two times (a promo outlined on the structure sheet)
$5,000 - 1% of the prize pool withheld for the Monthly Monster Tournament of Champions (a promo outlined on the structure sheet)
The Lodge has always and will always pay out guarantees no matter how many entrants a tournament gets. The club has paid over $500k in missed guarantees this year and is known in the poker community as a room that always pays out.
Next time we suggest voicing your concerns to a manager before making a review so it can be explained to you.