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orioleguy wrote a review about Maryland Live! in Hanover, MD

Who'd Thought It?

As a guy who had to play a ton of underground games or travel to play, it's so incredible what's happened here in Maryland. Maryland Live has become way more than I ever thought it could be.

The action here is off the hook. You're never lacking for a game. All sorts of mixed games and they even worked in a O8 4/8 Kill game. Would have never thought that would have a snowball's chance of getting spread.

The room is very well run despite it being so new. Dealing does occasionally have its flaws but overall it is a very good experience coming here.

Only thing I'd like to see change is the tourney schedule. Just a few lower buy-ins would be nice to mix in. I know they're guaranteed but have a little faith in the players. We're showing up so drop that down a little so we can get even more new players in there.

Very happy MD Live is running and running well. With a few tweaks, they'll be right up there with Parx and Borgata!

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