fortmyersbeach123 wrote a review about Naples Fort Myers in Bonita Springs, FL

Discisted with Naples Dog Track

Played poker all around the Country. This is by far the worst poker room. Badly managed! They need new management! The dealers see the managers treating paying cistomers like crap so the dealers do tyre same. Dealers should shut up and deal. When there is a heated moment between players the dealers the management handle issues so badly their not going to have any players left. They're are so many disgruntled players and fired help. Where is the owner to this place????? Obviously spending his money elsewhere. Donkey big mouth players. Don't ever call the floor you'll be the one being kicked out or reprimanded. My advice go elsewhee. Totally mismanaged poker room!!!

Food and Drink

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Announcements from Naples-Fort Myers Poker Room

A K Hit a Royal Flush with Diamond Big Slick and win $10,000 (all other Royal Flushes pay $500)
Tournaments qualify for High Hand ($300)
High hand every day from 9:45am - 1pm ($300-$700 every 30 minutes).
7:00pm - 10-00pm ($300-$700 every 30 minutes).

Every Wednesday of the month is High Hand every 30 minutes $250-$1,000 (9:45am - 1am).
EXTENDED HIGH HAND on Fridays $300 for 1-2 NL and tournaments and $700 for 2-5NL and higher.
First Friday of the month starts with a $10,000 guaranteed $185 buy in @ 7pm (all other Fridays are $130 w/ $5K guaranteed).
Fourth Saturday of the month has a $15,000 Guaranteed @12pm, $300 buy in. (30 minute levels, 25K chips).
New $300 buy in w/ $100 Bounty every Thursday night @ 7pm (25K starting stack)
New $5,000 guaranteed @ 12pm Tuesdays($225 buy in, 20K chips, 20 minute levels)
New Super Stack Turbo every Monday at 12pm. 12 minute levels & 50K starting stack!!!
New Super Stack Turbo BOUNTY Sunday's @ 7pm ($25 Bounties,12 minute levels & 50K starting stack)
Follow us @NaplesFortMyersGreyhoundTrack for the latest info on all our promos and events!!!!

Recent Naples Fort Myers Reviews

Honk wrote a review about Naples Fort Myers in Bonita Springs, FL

6 years

Place is friendly & games are decent. Canadian & 6th year playing here. Omaha game can be tight but mostly lucrative.... Read More

equity1c wrote a review about Naples Fort Myers in Bonita Springs, FL


"W" is for Weed...some of the best in SWFL, if you know how to connect.... "T" is for Tournaments that can be very... Read More