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Hongcouver wrote a review about Parq Vancouver in Vancouver, BC

Some minor improvements.

Yeah, sure. The wait lists are still stupidly long during the weekend/random concert/canucks game, etc. Well, no @#$% eh?! It's the only @#$% casino in downtown; so stop crying about wait list times. I see it in every @#$% review, just register earlier; or don't play at all that day, @#$%. As for this wannabe vegas casino; I'll say this: Perhaps the dealers and staff aren't always the sharpest tools in the shed (sometimes), but from what I've gathered here, playing these past few years is: There are employees who do care about integrity and honesty. So sure, some decisions are poorly made, but they do their best (at least I'd like to believe so...) The one pit boss was helping me with my inquiry about their tournament schedule and he explained it throughly to me when their biggest events usually are. If you're not a human piece of crap; perhaps these people who run the establishment and their associates; might treat you with respect. Hedonists come here to spew off their cash, I don't care if the game is @#$% solved, you come here to gamble; not to play in the wsop/wpt/ept. Stop expecting this casino to be like other properties abroad...

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