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Cj9 wrote a review about Parq Vancouver in Vancouver, BC

Supervisors Incorrect Ruling

Some of the worst rulings I have ever seen made by a supervisor. In 2-5, the dealer also a supervisor at times, mistakenly turned the river card over before the last person in the hand acted, the player insisted that the river card had to be reshuffle, even though the last player folded. The supervisor was called and made the decision to reshuffle the card, when I asked for an explanation she stated that she was the one who makes the rules and if I wanted to question her decision, I should become a manager, not only was her ruling incorrect, her reply to me was also rude and insulting, I have been attending parq on a regular bases for sometime now and for the most part I have been treated respectfully and enjoyed my time there, however this kind of treatment and decision making will leave me to consider other options...

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