Poker Tables:
31 Tables
Open Now (10:00am - TBD)
Minimum Age:
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
10:00am - TBD
LarryGoleman wrote a review about Shuffle 214 in Dallas, TX

coldest room I've ever been too!

Room is cool, good action and a mix of players, no waitresses is bad and management keeps it so cold you could hang meat. Really doubt I'll be back. It's a shame they don't pay attention to the payers, everyone at my table was frozen. Pay $13 an hour to be uncomfortable! No thanks!

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Announcements from Shuffle 214

Cowboy Stack Sundays

Shuffle gives DFW one of it's best weekly values every Sunday at 2pm with $15,000 guaranteed, 25 minute levels, and 60k starting for only $150.

Recent Shuffle 214 Reviews

Shane89 wrote a review about Shuffle 214 in Dallas, TX

Great place

////////////////////If you want to have fun and know that there's no crazy s*** happening, go here, great place to... Read More

dk1028 wrote a review about Shuffle 214 in Dallas, TX

Floor Manager

There was literally a player who passed out and CuJo one of the floor managers was quick and decisive handling the... Read More